Monday, November 16, 2015

Menstrual Cycle (Cycle of Creativity or Cosmic Cycle) and basic nature of women

Menstrual Cycle (Cycle of Creativity or Cosmic Cycle) and basic nature of women – Introducing women’s world to men to walk together happily

Once you hear menstrual cycle (the cycle of creativity), you may think that this post is for women. Yes, it’s for women. But I mainly write this for men to help them to walk in women’s world confidently. As we all know menstrual cycle is a normal process in woman's body. However it’s always a hidden topic. Many of teen girls and boys, and men as well go through hard time in relationship due to lack of awareness in this topic. Especially this lack of awareness affects the most intimate relationship on this earth i.e., husband and wife. Many men are into menstruation, they like to know more about it to understand the woman they date, to help their girlfriends in schools, etc. But they are afraid to talk about it. It may be due to the following reasons: 1. The society still considered it as a taboo. 2. Women may not like to share or may get embarrassed. In many societies, women don’t even talk about it to other women. Some women are extreme that they don’t communicate even to their potential future guy or husband. Still the society or women itself consider this sacred cycle as unclean, dirty or a curse. Most mothers introduce the monthly cycle as a curse (e.g., you have to put up this as a woman) to their daughters when they get their first cycle. But they don’t realize that this one sentence makes them to be ashamed of their own sexuality at that innocent age. Occasionally, some women like to share e.g., if guy friends are calling out. But they are afraid to communicate it openly because they think guys may not like to hear about it, guys can’t understand, etc. Hence i am here to break that taboo and create a new bond between men and women.

In this universe, everything is rhythmic (cycle) e.g., life (birth to death), weather, planets orbiting, sun revolving around earth, waxing and waning phases of moon and women too. Women go through different phases of menstrual cycle. Men may also go through cyclic hormonal changes, but may be without bleeding, who knows. I have read that men also experience irritable male syndrome due to monthly hormonal changes and male-menopause (andropause) around the age 45-55. If they pay attention to their physical and emotional part, they can track their mood swings. (Its just my view, but may not be true. Because I believe everything in this universe is cyclic). Menstrual cycle is not just a physical process, it’s also emotional. In general, women are more emotional than men. All their unhealed emotions come up with during their cycle. Hence, their life and their moods are revolving around their cycle. If women pay attention to these cyclic nature to understand themselves and when you both communicate this cyclic event to feel the bond created between you two, you can share a different level of intimacy i.e., both of you start to speak each other’s language. It can almost solve all misunderstanding between men and women. Menstrual cycle is a power or boon to women. They are more intuitive during their bleeding time. It’s a new beginning and the time to let go of all unwanted emotions. Miranda Gray and Dr. Christiane Northrup are some of the best women's writer (I added the link at the sidebar). To know more about the four phases on the emotional side, please go to these links:

In short, the four phases of menstrual cycles are
1. Menstrual phase (Reflective phase) (Day 1 to 6) (Winter) (Dark/New moon)
2. Follicular phase (Dynamic phase) (Day 7 -13) (Spring) (Waxing moon)
3. Ovulation phase (Expressive phase) (Day 14-20) (Summer) (Full moon)
4. Premenstrual phase (Creative phase) (Day 21 - 28) (Autumn) (Waning moon)

Phase 1 or Week 1:
New beginning, new ideas, inwardly focused, planting new seeds, death and rebirth, renewal, review, meditate, having rest, do what you love, nature walk, red tent, draw or paint, be kind to yourself, accepting, going with the flow, enjoying

Phase 2 or Week 2:
Concentration, expressing sexuality, full of energy, excited, stamina, learning, beautifying yourself, logical thinking, planning, independence, multi-tasking

Phase 3 or Week 3:
Supportive, empathy, want to let go of unwanted emotions, communication, team work, relation to others

Phase 4 or Week 4:
Feel ready to let go and fully surrender, less emotional availability, inspiration, identifying what you want next and what you don’t want now, creative, intuitive

Above are the basic patterns women may feel during different phases of their monthly cycle. Because many women don’t listen to their physical/emotional needs because of busy schedule etc., they don’t release their emotional baggage. Though they may like to slow down and have rest, they push themselves to work due to society structure or to prove they are not weak and equal to men. They just deny their internal voice without awareness.

Apart from cyclic, everything in this nature is dual as well. Birth and death, creation and destruction, good and bad, dark and night, yin and yang (men and women), pain and pleasure, waxing and waning, new moon and full moon etc. In this physical world, one can’t be perceived without another. They are not opposite, but complementary. Please understand that men and women are different from masculine and feminine. Masculine and feminine are just qualities. There can be men who are in touch with their feminine nature and women who are intimate with the masculine side. But both the qualities have to be balanced to feel peace with yourself and in your relationships.

Examples of some feminine qualities: receptive, creative, sensuality, intuitive, surrender, flow (cyclic/keep changing), nurturing, patient, let go, empathy, patience, expressive, vulnerable, gentle, compassion, allowing, be happy for others

Examples of masculine qualities: rational, independent, stable, protecting, determination, initiating, providing, courage, decisive, endurance, confident, ambitious

Guys, to give you little bit more idea of how women think, I write some basic nature of women:
1. Women are emotional. If something happens, they may react immediately. But it may last only few hours or a day. (Very few percentage girls can use silence as a revenge).
2. Women cry easily for small problems or keep talking about the problems just to reduce the intensity of pain, but not to complain. So please don’t misunderstand it.
3. Almost no girl can take the silence of a guy. If any problem (even mistakes made by girls), let them know directly and politely. Soon they will accept their mistake and ask you sorry. They can tolerate even if you burst out, but not the silence. They feel as if they are not respected or ignored.
4. Sometimes they feel they are indecisive. Many centuries, either father, brother, boyfriend or husband take care of their needs. Please give them suggestion.
5. Just get to know their cycle. By knowing it, you can know their health, their moods. Just before the period, if they get irritated, you can tell them it’s due to emotional disturbance. Soon they will understand because many girls are not even aware of it.
6. Don’t tease them with their cycle. Empower them.
7. Especially first two days of their cycle, they may need an hour to look into themselves. They like to have rest and slow down their life. Most girls are taught that their cycles are curse, not gender fare. All their past relationship problems, childhood trauma can come up and manifest as physical pain. Try to be positive with them saying menstrual cycle is powerful, connect with their feminine nature. Encourage them to see their emotions or ask them to share with you if they want. In few months your girl's emotional and physical pain will be almost reduced. 
8. If they are physically comfortable or willing, offer them to have intimacy with you. Sex may help to relieve from the cramp.
9. The most simple way to touch your woman’s heart is get them their feminine product. I know you may ask they can buy for themselves. Women just like to test that you are masculine enough to buy them their feminine products and your positive view towards feminine nature.
10. It is not true that girls/society thinks guys are weak if they speak emotions. If any problem in relationship, you want a change or you don’t like some aspect of your partner or their life style, be open to them politely. If you hide it in your heart, they will get confused. Open and honest communication is the key for relationship.
11. If small fight or misunderstanding, just hug them. They become usual immediately. Girls often love to be kissed, hugged or cuddle if they are disturbed.
12. Talk about your physical, emotional, sexual needs directly, instead of expecting from heart.
13. If any problem, try to know their childhood and past. Most of the problems come from predetermined idea from their father or other guys in their life.
14. Girls have no idea of your certain behaviour. You need to look at your own emotions sometimes. Tell them openly why you behaved in certain way for a situation (if any problem). If they know the reason behind your reaction, it’s easy for them to know you. Emotionally helping each other is the key.

Note to women about the fundamental reason for the behaviour of today’s men:
Dear Women,
You don’t need to change yourself like a man to survive in this society, unless it’s your authentic self. Do what you love. Most men fall in love with your feminine nature. Sometimes men don’t have touch with their emotions. For many centuries they involved in war (soul has the memory of previous lives). The society also expects them to be strong and not to speak their emotions (considered as a sign of weakness). Sometimes they may freak out with blood (for men seeing blood is related to disease or accident), they may not involve in your cycle. But now they put much effort to know you better, to involve in child rearing, household works, etc. They start to access their feminine qualities. They require time to transform themselves. Be kind to them.
Gathering with other women and sharing your experiences can provide you profound healing. You can include men if they are interested and comfortable.
Thank you for women who read this post and become ready to help men in their life.

Note to men about the fundamental reason for the behaviour of today’s women:
Dear Men,
Women are too emotional. Sometimes they are even needy, clingy, indecisive or doubtful. As women rights are forgiven for many centuries, they actively take up the feminist role to fight for their rights. Even today, in many cultures, they are fighting for their basic rights like to study, to choose the guy they love, to go for a work, to pay the groom’s family at the time of marriage, etc. They are not comfortable with their own body and they are ashamed of their sexuality. They consider they are cursed to be women because they are getting their period and they go through pregnancy because it’s not gender fare. They consider feminine as weak. They want to become like a man. Instead of thinking femininity as empowering womanhood, many women misunderstood femininity as opposing the authentic masculine. So they try to change you and prove to you there are superior because they themselves still feel inferior. Now it’s changing. Please give them the time to transform. Empower them. Kindly express them their emotional irritability and the reasons (past, influence from father or other men). Get to know their phase of the menstrual cycle to feel them more. Ask them to take some time for themselves to heal the emotional pain that are coming up during their cycle to reduce their physical pain and balance their mood.
Thank you for men who read this and ready to help women in their life.

A note to men and women:
Now please men and women work together on their journey. I hope this post may help someone to have an amazing relationship with his/her beloved. Because without enough knowledge, being girl i myself freaked out when i got my first cycle. I have gone through severe physical and emotional pain during my cycle. To have an enjoyable life on earth, men and women have to help each other with patience. Love is patience. Love is detachment. Love is unconditional. Love is fearlessness. Love just gives without expectations. There is no scale to weigh love and give it to other in a balanced way. Some people tend to overgive, it’s their way to express love. Some people are shy or reserved, it’s their way of expressing love. Over-giving and being shy/reserved are just different ways to express love. Please you both respond to the problems instead of reacting immediately. Accept the differences as complementary instead of thinking there is nothing common. Ready for the change and explore each other’s world out of love. See life together as "we", not individually. Respect/value each other’s opinion. You both are independent as well as co-dependent. So dance together for happy life. Thank you for your time to read this post.

More links to know about internal (emotional) process women go through during their monthly cycle, how to embrace it to heal their emotional and physical pain, spiritual practise of menstrual cycles in ancient times, magic of menstrual blood in arts, rituals, relationships and fertilizing the earth and plants are given in the sidebar.

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